I’m Karen Healey, a retired software engineer, now exploring our beautiful country with my husband, Steve.

Steve and I retired in 2019 after living in New England for our entire lives.  We relocated to Southwest Virginia for several reasons, including a more moderate temperature, lots of new places to explore, and a slower pace of life.

Steve and I live life frugally, but we manage to have a lot of fun while we are doing it.  In the time that we have lived in Southwest Virginia, we have explored this state extensively, plus several neighboring states.  Friends often say that we have seen more in our four years here than they have in their entire lives. 

Not a big fan of cities, we tend to explore the “backroads”, or at least, we spend most of our time somewhere rural on our adventures.  This blog takes you along on some of our favorite trips, whether it be by car or camper, or simply a day trip.  I hope you enjoy reading about our travels and find inspiration for your own explorations.​